Our Department

Our Fire Department

CAL FIRE/TCFD manages approximately 75 active volunteer firefighters and over 200 career firefighters and support staff through a Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement with CAL FIRE. There are fifteen fire stations strategically located throughout Tehama County. Four fire stations are staffed with career and volunteer personnel and eleven fire stations are staffed with all volunteer personnel only. Additionally, the seasonally staffed CAL FIRE Stations add to the capacity of fire protection and public safety in Tehama County increasing the total number of fire stations to 20 for CAL FIRE/TCFD.

CAL FIRE/TCFD operates 35 fire engines, 9 water tenders, 5 rescue squads, one light/air apparatus, and several support vehicles. CAL FIRE/TCFD maintains a Hazardous Materials Decontamination trailer as part of the Shasta Cascade Hazardous Materials Response Team (SCHMRT) and a Mass Casualty incident trailer used for county wide incidents. CAL FIRE/TCFD has six career firefighters assigned as members of a the SCHMRT hazardous materials response team.